In addition to our Aerial Infrared Hospital Scans, we also offer a full variation of infrared applications to keep your hospital running smoothly. Infrared thermography as a predictive maintenance (PdM) inspection technique is a widely-recognized and effective non-destructive (NDT) testing tool used often to check electrical and mechanical systems, buildings, roofs and facilities.
Continue reading below to learn about our additional Infrared Thermography Applications for Hospital Buildings

We bring to our clients experience, state-of-the-art high-resolution infrared imagers, digital recording equipment, techniques that have been refined over many years and the attitude that we are going to obtain the best imagery possible and produce a professional report in a timely manner.
Energy efficiency (heat loss and air leakage) issues in hospital buildings is becoming more important every day. Infrared imaging and air leak testing together offer a complete package to find and document areas where the building is leaking heat energy.
There is a method that is accurate, non-destructive and inexpensive for CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit) testing. Infrared testing method can be performed at any time during the construction process without interrupting any other trades or affecting the progress of the rest of the building. This is the way to see the grouted cells in the entire wall section.
Aerial Infrared Hospital Scans are the superior method to check your hospital building roof for moisture. If however, you are interested in an on-roof infrared survey, we also walk on infrared thermography service at